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This Public Agreement (offer) (hereinafter - the "Public Offer") is addressed to an unspecified circle of individuals and legal entities (hereinafter - the "Benefactor") - visitors to the website of the EALSOC on the Internet:  (hereinafter referred to as the "Site", and is, in accordance with Article 633 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, an official and public offer of the PUBLIC ORGANIZATION "ENVIRONMENTAL AND LEGAL SECURITY OF COMMUNITIES", EDRPOU code 44125513 (hereinafter referred to as the "Public Organization") , in the person of the Chairman of the organization Dmytro Yevgenovich Godunov, who acts on the basis of the Statute, to enter into an agreement on the provision of a charitable donation (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement"), on the conditions specified below:



1.1. Public Offer – an offer of a Public Organization posted on the Site and addressed to any individual and/or entity, including but not limited to you
crucially, the Benefactor, in accordance with Article 641 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, to conclude a contract with her on the terms contained in the public offer.

1.2. Acceptance is the complete and unconditional acceptance by the Benefactor of the Public Offer of the Public Organization by taking actions to make a money transfer using the payment forms and means posted on the Site, as well as by transferring funds to the current account of the Public Organization through bank institutions. The moment of Acceptance is the fact of money transfer and/or crediting of funds to the bank account of the Public Organization.

1.3. Charitable donation - free transfer of funds by the Benefactor to the property of the Public Organization for the achievement of certain goals and programs of the Public Organization in accordance with its Statute, this Agreement and the Law of Ukraine "On Public Associations".

1.4. A benefactor is an able-bodied individual or legal entity under private law who has accepted this Public Offer and voluntarily makes a Charitable Donation.

1.5. The site is the website of the Public Organization on the Internet at the address:



2.1. The subject of this Agreement is the free and voluntary transfer by the Benefactor to the property of the Public Organization of funds by making a voluntary Charitable donation aimed at ensuring the Public Organization's performance of its statutory activities.

2.2. The benefactor independently determines the size of the Charitable donation, but in any case such size cannot be less than UAH 100.

2.3. The subject of this Agreement is not directly or indirectly receiving profit by any of the Parties to this Agreement.



3.1. The purpose of this Agreement is to achieve a socially useful goal through the accumulation of charitable contributions for:

- support of existing shodo programs for the implementation and protection of rights and freedoms, satisfaction of public, in particular economic, social, cultural, environmental, and other interests of its members and other persons, promotion of satisfaction of professional, educational, cultural, and other legitimate interests of its members and other persons, carrying out research and educational work in the fields of social management, law, economics, rights protection, social policy, social security, social dialogue;

- implementation of projects to promote fair and effective social and anti-corruption policy in Ukraine;

- conducting research and educational work, conferences, seminars, competitions, lectures, round tables, consultations, creative events, tournaments, competitions and other events related to the statutory activities of the Organization, with the involvement of representatives of the public, state authorities and local self-government, experts from various fields of social life, including international;

- creation and implementation of various projects, introduction of programs;

- promoting the development of international cooperation on issues included in the tasks of the Organization;

- provision of legal assistance, advisory and other services to citizens, enterprises, institutions, organizations, public organizations, authorities and local self-government;

- implementation of legal, cultural and educational, methodological activities;

- conducts public events aimed at meeting the needs and interests of members of the Organization and other persons;

- cooperation with the mass media, publications, information agencies and analytical centers, film and media producers, promotes the publication and distribution of printed, audio and video products on issues related to the Organization's goals;

- implementation of the statutory goals of the Public Organization.



4.1. Acceptance of the Public Offer means that the Benefactor agrees with all the terms of this Public Offer, understands and agrees that the Charitable Donation will be used to achieve the goals and programs provided for by the Charter of the Public Organization, which he can familiarize himself with by sending a request to the email address:

4.2. The Benefactor understands and unquestionably agrees with the right of the Public Organization to use a part of the Benefactor's Charitable Donation for the administrative expenses of the Public Organization, in an amount not greater than that provided for by the legislation of Ukraine.

4.3. The benefactor agrees that the amount of the donation is non-refundable and will be used to finance active projects and programs, as well as to carry out the statutory activities of the NGO.

4.4. The Benefactor understands and unquestionably agrees with the right of the Public Organization to use the Charitable Donation, which has been transferredto a specific project, then such a person consents to the use of such Charitable Donations in other projects or programs, due to the closure or passing of the relevance of such projects. In this case, the distribution of the received funds for financing such projects and programs will take place in accordance with their current social relevance and urgent need. 

4.5. The parties agree that from the moment of acceptance by the Benefactor of this Public Offer, thisThe contract is considered concluded in writing in accordance with Articles 207, 639, 641 and 642 of the Civil Code of Ukraine. At the same time, the Parties agree that the parties' failure to comply with the written form of the transaction does not mean its invalidity.



5.1. The public organization has the right: 

- receive charitable donations and use them in accordance with the subject and conditions of this Agreement and its statutory activities;

- without agreement with the Benefactor, to change the direction of use of the Charitable Donation within the scope of the statutory activity of the Public Organization;

- without agreement with the Benefactor, use a part of the Charitable donation for the administrative expenses of the Public Organization in the amount stipulated by the legislation of Ukraine;

- publish on the Site or in any mass media the surname, first name and patronymic or commercial name of the Benefactor as a Benefactor of a Public Organization. By accepting this Public Offer, the Benefactor gives his consent to such publication and any other additional consent of the Benefactor is not required. In the case of the Benefactor's disagreement with such publication, he has the right to refuse the publication of the Benefactor's data specified in this paragraph as a Benefactor of a Public Organization;

- collect, process, store, transfer to third parties the data received from Benefactors, excluding their financial data.

5.2. The public organization is obliged to:

- in the case of using the Charitable Donation contrary to the purposes of this Agreement, return the funds to the Benefactor on the basis of his written statement, which must be sent by registered letter with a description of the attachment to the legal address of the Public Organization specified on the Site;

- provide a report on the use of Charitable Donations at the Benefactor's written request, which must be sent by registered letter with a description of the attachment to the legal address of the Public Organization specified on the Site.

5.3. Benefactor's Rights:

- without limits on the size and number of times to provide a charitable donation to the Public Organization;

- join the Public Organization and pay membership fees;

- buy book products at special prices in the online store of the Public Organization;

- participate in loyalty programs of partner companies of the Public Organization;

- control over the intended use of the Charitable Donation;

- to refuse publication by the Public Organization of the Benefactor's data (surname, first name and patronymic or commercial name of the Benefactor) as a Benefactor on the Site or in any mass media.

5.4. Duties of the Benefactor:

- familiarize yourself with the conditions of this Public Offer before accepting it. In case of disagreement of the Benefactor with any of the conditions of this Public Offer, he should not accept it and should definitely leave the website page on which the possibility of making a Charitable donation is provided.


6.1. The public collection of charitable donations is carried out on the territory of any country in the world. The direct activity of the Public Organization related to the public collection of Charitable Donations under this Agreement is carried out at the location of the Public Organization.



7.1. Public collection of funds continues until the termination of the activities of the Public Organization (including through liquidation), unless another period is determined by the decision of the Public Organization, about which the Benefactor will be notified by placing relevant information on the Site.



8.1. Charitable donations collected under the Agreement are used in accordance with the goals defined by the statutory activity of the Public Organization and the current legislation of Ukraine.

8.2. The public organization disposes of charitable donations at its own discretion within the limits established by its Charter.

8.3. Charitable donations received by the Public Organization may be returned to the Benefactor only in cases provided for by the legislation of Ukraine.



9.1. The Public Organization is responsible in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine for the violation of the terms of this Agreement and the use of Charitable Donations contrary to the procedure provided for by the statutory activities of the Public Organization and the legislation of Ukraine.



10.1. Access to the financial reports of the use of funds of the Public Organization, collected by Benefactors, is carried out by the Benefactor, provided that he is a member of the Public Organization, at the written request of the Benefactor, which must be sent by registered letter with a description of the attachment to the legal address of the Public Organization indicated on the Site. Other information is provided by the Public Organization in the manner and within the terms stipulated by the legislation of Ukraine.

10.2. By executing the Acceptance, the Benefactor confirms that he is familiar with and gives permission for the processing of his personal data for the purpose of fulfilling the terms of the Public Offer.

10.3. By accepting the Public Offer, the Benefactor confirms that he is aware of his rights provided for by the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data". The Benefactor's rights as a subject of personal data in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data" are known and understood by him. 

10.4. By accepting the Public Offer, the Benefactor gives the Public Organization consent to the processing, collection, storage, use and disclosure of his personal data by the Public Organization in any way provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine, in connection with the implementation of the statutory activities of the Public Organization and in the manner determined by the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data" and local acts of the Public Organization, which establish the procedure for processing and protecting personal data (if available).



11.1. By executing the Acceptance, the Benefactor confirms that he is familiar with and gives permission for the processing of his personal data for the purpose of fulfilling the terms of the Public Offer.

11.2. By accepting the Public Offer, the Benefactor confirms that he is aware of his rights provided for by the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data". The Benefactor's rights as a subject of personal data in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data" are known and understood by him.

11.3. By accepting the Public Offer, the Benefactor gives the Public Organization consent to the processing, collection, storage, use and disclosure of his personal data by the Public Organization in any way provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine, in connection with the implementation of the statutory activities of the Public Organization and in the manner determined by the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection" and local acts of Public Organizations



12.1. All costs (payment of commissions, etc.) related to the Benefactor's implementation of the Charitable Donation shall be borne by the Benefactor.

12.2. By accepting this Public Offer, the Benefactor gives his consent to the fact that by entering information about himself when making a Charitable Donation and/or registering on the Site, he subscribes to newsletters from the Public Organization, which will be sent to the Benefactor's email address or the Benefactor's contact phone number, specified when the Benefactor registers on the Site or when making a Charitable Donation.

12.3. The public organization is released from responsibility for the disclosure of personal data obtained on the basis of the law from publicly available sources, as well as information and data that were disclosed or published or otherwise available in the mass media and the Internet.


Public organization "Ecological and legal security of communities"

EDRPOU: 44125513

IBAN account: UA963355480000026008053635288 

Bank: JSC CB "PRIVATBANK" (YEDRPOU 14360570, MFO 335548)

Address: 85110, Ukraine, Donetsk region, Kostyantynivka city, Peremohy square, building 4, room 12


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